
Material Stocks, USA

Map of material stocks in buildings and infrastructure across CONUS at a spatial resolution of 10m.

Vegetation Dynamics, Crete

Revisiting the Past: Replicability of a Historic Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics Assessment in the Era of Big Data Analytics

Mowing Events, Germany

Mowing events derived from integrated Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 time series at a spatial resolution of 10 m for the years 2017 - 2020.

Population, Germany

Gridded population map, Germany, based on building density, height and type (year: 2018).

Material Stocks, Austria/Germany

Map of material stocks in buildings and infrastructure across Germany and Austria at a spatial resolution of 10m. Includes federal statistics(year: 2018).

Building Height, Germany

Map of building heights at a spatial resolution of 10m for the entire Germany (year: 2018).

Land Cover Fractions, Austria/Germany

Fraction map of three land cover types (imperviousness, woody vegetation, non-woody vegetation) across Austria and Germany at 10m spatial resolution (year: 2018).

Cropping Practices, Türkiye

Map of five different cropping management practices across the entire Türkiye at 30m resolution (year: 2015).