David Frantz
Understanding the robustness of spectral-temporal metrics across the global Landsat archive from 1984 to 2019 – a quantitative evaluation
Mapping oak wilt disease from space using land surface phenology
High-resolution data and maps of material stock, population, and employment in Austria from 1985 to 2018
Atmospheric Correction Inter-comparison eXercise, ACIX-II Land: An assessment of atmospheric correction processors for Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 over land
Improved burn severity estimation by using Land Surface Phenology metrics and red edge information estimated from Landsat
High-resolution mapping of 33 years of material stock and population growth in Germany using Earth Observation data
Sub-pixel building area mapping based on synthetic training data and regression-based unmixing using Sentinel-1 and -2 data
Cloud Mask Intercomparison eXercise (CMIX): An evaluation of cloud masking algorithms for Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2
Integrated topographic corrections improve forest mapping using Landsat imagery
Revisiting the past: Replicability of a historic long-term vegetation dynamics assessment in the era of big data analytics
Mapping grassland mowing events across Germany based on combined Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 time series
FORCE on Nextflow: Scalable Analysis of Earth Observation data on Commodity Clusters
Multi-season unmixing of vegetation class fractions across diverse Californian ecoregions using simulated spaceborne imaging spectroscopy data.
Operational Coregistration of the Sentinel-2A/B Image Archive Using Multitemporal Landsat Spectral Averages
Gridded population mapping for Germany based on building density, height and type from Earth Observation data using census disaggregation and bottom-up estimates
High-Resolution Maps of Material Stocks in Buildings and Infrastructures in Austria and Germany
Comparison of Masking Algorithms for Sentinel-2 Imagery
National-scale mapping of building height using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series
Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for forest stand species mapping using Sentinel-2 imagery and environmental data in the Polish Carpathians
Land-cover change in the Caucasus Mountains since 1987 based on the topographic correction of multi-temporal Landsat composites
Mapping urban-rural gradients of settlements and vegetation at national scale using Sentinel-2 spectral-temporal metrics and regression-based unmixing with synthetic training data
Spectral harmonization and red edge prediction of Landsat-8 to Sentinel-2 using land cover optimized multivariate regressors
Visualizing and labeling dense multi-sensor earth observation time series: The EO Time Series Viewer
A Global MODIS Water Vapor Database for the Operational Atmospheric Correction of Historic and Recent Landsat Imagery
FORCE—Landsat + Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data and Beyond
Interdependent effects of climate variability and forest cover change on streamflow dynamics: a case study in the Upper Umvoti River Basin, South Africa
Mapping Cropping Practices on a National Scale Using Intra-Annual Landsat Time Series Binning
Using Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data for the Generation of Continuously Updated Forest Type Information Layers in a Cross-Border Region
Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise
Deforestation for agricultural expansion in SW Zambia and NE Namibia and the impacts on soil fertility, soil organic carbon- and nutrient levels
Improvement of the Fmask algorithm for Sentinel-2 images: Separating clouds from bright surfaces based on parallax effects
Long-term land use change analysis in south-central Angola. Assessing the trade-off between major ecosystem services with remote sensing data
Remote sensing-based environmental assessment and monitoring – generation of operational baseline and enhanced experimental products in southern Africa
Seeing deforestation in Zambia - On the discrepancy between biophysical land-use changes and social perception
Assessment of spatio-temporal changes of smallholder cultivation patterns in the Angolan Miombo belt using segmentation of Landsat time series
Global Analysis of the Differences Between the MODIS Vegetation Index Compositing Date and the Actual Acquisition Date
Phenology-adaptive pixel-based compositing using optical earth observation imagery
Using Annual Landsat Time Series for the Detection of Dry Forest Degradation Processes in South-Central Angola
An Operational Radiometric Landsat Preprocessing Framework for Large-Area Time Series Applications
Evaluating the Trade-Off Between Food and Timber Resulting from the Conversion of Miombo Forests to Agricultural Land in Angola Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Data
Fire spread from MODIS burned area data: obtaining fire dynamics information for every single fire
Forest Disturbance Mapping Using Dense Synthetic Landsat/MODIS Time-Series and Permutation-Based Disturbance Index Detection
Improving the Spatial Resolution of Land Surface Phenology by Fusing Medium- and Coarse-Resolution Inputs
Linking Land Surface Phenology and Vegetation-Plot Databases to Model Terrestrial Plant α-Diversity of the Okavango Basin
Enhancing the Detectability of Clouds and Their Shadows in Multitemporal Dryland Landsat Imagery: Extending Fmask
On the Derivation of a Spatially Distributed Aerosol Climatology for its Incorporation in a Radiometric Landsat Preprocessing Framework
Enhanced biomass prediction by assimilating satellite data into a crop growth model
Fire Frequency, Fire Seasonality and Fire Intensity within the Okavango Region Derived from MODIS Fire Products